Business Litigation Attorneys in Camden, New Jersey
What Our Clients Can Expect
Our clients are comprised of individuals and businesses who are concert promoters, venues, property owners, tenants, business professionals and ordinary people seeking to protect their interest and assets.
Our experience in litigation serves as a backdrop for zealously defending our clients in contract disputes, as well as counseling on business formation and asset protection. We aide our clients with streamlining procurement processes which often time involves interfacing with public and private agencies, and have assisted our client's with various types of commercial agreements.
We are passionate advocates, and we stop at nothing to make sure our client’s enjoy the best outcomes.
Our client can rest assured that their interests are protected.
Just a Phone Call Away
Premises Liability
When a bar or restaurant owner has knowledge of prior third party criminal activity on the premises he owns or controls, including adjacent parking lots in some circumstances, they have a legal obligation to provide security guards to protect the safety of their patrons and invitees.
Supreme Court decisions reaffirmed that even if the financial cost is substantial, a bar and restaurant owner that has knowledge of prior similar criminal activity and who does not hire some form of security guard, will be found to have breached its duty of care to protect its patrons and that in turn may expose it to a considerable damages award for anyone that is injured.